Opening Big
Seth Godin recently wrote about the importance of "Opening Big." He says that while we would all like to open big, rarely do we get that opportunity. We need to keep plugging along and wait for the momentum to build.
The bottom line is that it's way way easier to start things than it used to be (opening a movie big costs a tenth of a billion dollars, while opening a blog costs about twenty). The natural, user-driven networks that make a product succeed or fail rarely hit all at once. But the snowball effect online is far more powerful than the old-world scream & dream approach.Read the entire article HERE.
So, what's it mean to you?
Make something worth making.
Sell something worth talking about.
Believe in what you do because you may have to do it for a long time before it catches on.
Don't listen to the first people who give you feedback.
Don't give up. Not for a while, anyway.
(HT: Churchwerx)
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