1. Decide that fine is bad.
Fine means you aren't growing or swimming, which means that you are shrinking and sinking. Fine is being average, it's being defeated, and it's giving up. Fine means that nothing outstanding happened to you today and you should know that you deserve something miraculous in your life.
Fine is also a relative term. A billionaire could feel fine about making only 2 million dollars today, or a middle class man could feel fine about having 3 square meals today. A poor person would be delighted out of their mind at a couple million bucks and a starving person would jump up and down at the thought of 3 square meals. The point is to decide what's fine for you and do everything in your mind to exceed this level.
2. Relationship with self.You're worth more than diamonds, castles, and spaceships and it's taken too many perfect coincidences to bring you here. On this day, when you become conscious of your self-worth, and acknowledge it as being more than you have ever said it to be before, you are having the greatest day of your life.
3. Upgrade yourself.
Become conscious and aware of your skills, talents, and character traits. Make it a point to become a little bit better. A better person, friend, artist, investor, parent, writer, or anything else that is important to you.
When you've chiseled your character, sharpened your skill, or expressed your talents more so than ever before, you will have the greatest day ever. Such self-improvement, sitting on the shoulders of all previous self-improvement, will allow you to have the greatest day ever.
4. Create huge possibilities.I've mentioned that striving for greatness could lead to a misfire and leave you off at awesome instead of best. Keeping this principle in mind create the biggest goals, dreams, and possibilities that you have ever made for yourself or your life.
Think bigger and better than ever before. It is right now, during the planning and within the possibilities that you will have the greatest day of your life.
5. Love your hardest.Love with more energy and passion than you have ever loved before. Listen harder, spend more time, and create greater workability in your relationships than on previous days.
Do something unique, caring, or fun for the ones you loved. Just love them with all your might. When you've loved harder than you've ever loved before, you will have the greatest day of your life.
6. Positive self-talk.
Be optimistic in the way that you talk to yourself. Your mind will absorb the way you speak to yourself and process it as fact. Make sure those facts are aligned with greatness.
When you've had the best conversations with yourself, you will be able to have better relationships, achieve more, try harder, and be happier than ever before. With the best positive self-talk you will have the greatest day of your life.
7. Be God-like.
Religion aside, think practically. On this day you will act more God-like. The practical thing to do is to be as giving as you can with your time, wisdom, and strength.
That's what God does right? Gives selflessly, without expecting anything in return, and with love for his people. When you've given more than you've ever given before, you will have the greatest day of your life.
Read the entire article from DumbLittleMan